Community Blog

Resources, exercises and community-building for advocates and the survivors they support.

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Dissociation: Signs, Effects, and Healing 

August 30, 2024, Maegan Bradshaw

The other day, I was driving in total silence. This is not a common occurrence for me. Car rides are usually my time to jam to whatever music ...

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Inclusive Advocacy: Building Relationships in Diverse Communities

August 26, 2024, RAFT Team

Inclusive advocacy requires more than just good intentions; it demands a strategic approach that genuinely engages and reflects the communities you aim to serve. Your organization must adapt ...

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Apologies at Work: Creating Growth & Resilience

August 12, 2024, RAFT Team

Can you recall a time at your job when a genuine apology at work made a noticeable impact? It might have diffused tension, healed a strained relationship, or ...

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The Importance of Delegation

August 7, 2024, Jeremie Miller

(and how to do it) How often, at the end of the day, do you sit back with a content sigh and say to yourself:   “Ahhhh, I got ...

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Urgency Culture: Understanding Its Impact on Decision-Making & Performance

July 22, 2024, RAFT Team

If you constantly rush from one task to another, feeling overwhelmed by the workload, rest assured that you’re not the only one. Emails flood our inboxes demanding immediate ...

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Charting Your Path: Personal Development for Advocates Using HCD

July 8, 2024, RAFT Team

Understanding people’s needs and experiences is at the core of human-centered design (HCD). Through empathy-driven research, iterative design, and continuous feedback, we can develop solutions that are genuinely ...

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From Silos to Synergy: Creating Transparency & Breaking Down Organizational Barriers

June 24, 2024, RAFT Team

What Holds Us Back from Transparency? The Importance of Transparency Transparency means being open and honest about your organization’s operations, decisions, and performance. This can be tough! Breaking ...

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Navigating Constructive Conflict & Collaboration in Advocacy Teams

June 10, 2024, RAFT Team

Conflict comes to every organization. More so within advocacy teams where passion and commitment to your cause can lead to differing opinions and approaches. Strong constructive conflict resolution ...

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The Power of Human-Centered Management: Empowering People

May 27, 2024, RAFT Team

Close your eyes and envision a workplace that feels more like a supportive family than a corporate machine. An environment where your unique skills are nurtured, your opinions ...

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Dear RAFT Community

May 24, 2024, Maegan Bradshaw

Let me be transparent.. I have sat down at this keyboard SO many times in the last couple months and just stared at the screen.   “I need to ...

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