
These podcasts support the holistic mental, emotional, and physical well-being of sexual and domestic violence advocates like you.

Get to know the RAFT program or continue your training with our free interactive podcasts. These programs were built to address the specific needs of advocates by sharing real stories and experiences of people like you.

We combine life coaching skills and positive psychology theory to support advocates who are learning how to stand in their power, respect themselves first, and break the cycle of shame and self-criticism. 

Whether it’s an educational talk, creative exercises, simple yoga, or meditation, our podcasts can provide the specific support you need to improve your well-being. 

If you have a question or scenario that you’d like addressed in a future podcast, please contact us.

Podcast Episodes

You can listen to our podcast right here on our website. The episodes are also available on Google Podcasts or iTunes.

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Healthy Boundaries and Your Core Values

March 11, 2020, RAFT Team

In this episode of the RAFT Podcast Indrani, Alyce, and Jeremie discuss a common occurrence for sexual and domestic violence advocates: going over the allotted time with a client, especially at the end of the workday. How can you set ...

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A Fresh New Look, New Team Members, and a Brand New Name

February 7, 2020, RAFT Team

Indrani’s Light has gone through some big changes in the past year, and is starting 2020 with a fresh new look, new team members, and a brand new name: RAFT – Resilience for Advocates through Foundational Training. In this episode ...

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Challenging Responses and Staying in Your Power

March 1, 2019, RAFT Team

Have you struggled with responding with compassion and love when an individual challenges your boundaries or your truth? Listen to this episode of the Caring for the Caregivers podcast as Indrani and special guest, Mark Silver, share their wisdom and ...

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How to help everyone at once, without overwhelm (SPOILER: You can’t!)

January 1, 2019, RAFT Team

Does this sound familiar: you are rushing to leave for work, helping your partner find their keys, packing lunches into backpacks, trying to put dinner in the crockpot, trying to remember your keys, then finally making it out the door. ...

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Managing Fear When Facing Adversity

December 1, 2018, RAFT Team

In this episode Indrani and Dr. Anita Sands share their experiences and the tools they’ve used to manage fear with the adversities they’ve faced. Anita also shares her story of coping with changes in her professional life after becoming a ...

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Caring for the Caregivers: A Self-Empathy Meditation

November 15, 2018, RAFT Team

Often, in life, you will find yourself stuck between two versions of yourself: the “you” that wants peace and to be satisfied doing the best you can, and the “you” that is crazily trying to do everything for everyone. In ...

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Caring for the Caregivers: Talk to the Positive Part of Yourself

October 1, 2018, RAFT Team

When you are feeling sad, do you forget about your whole self, focusing only on the sadness? In this episode Indrani will guide you through a meditation to connect with, and embrace, the positive you. It isn’t about changing the ...

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Caring for the Caregivers: When Family and Work Values Collide

September 4, 2018, RAFT Team

Making a decision between your family and your work is never an easy task, especially when, which is more important changes with the circumstances. How can you determine when being with your family is most important? When going to work ...

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Caring for the Caregivers: A Story and Meditation – What Does Change Mean to You?

July 1, 2018, RAFT Team

You may want to get your journal out and take some notes as Indrani asks some important questions in this episode. Are you thinking about making a change in your life? What feelings come up for you during the change ...

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Caring for the Caregivers: Remember Who You Are

June 5, 2018, RAFT Team

Indrani shares a story about a hair salon trip gone wrong, then shares how she used the Live a Brighter Life tools. Listen to the story and the discussion with Amy and Jeremie about the story to learn how you ...

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